Saturday 15 November 2008

Rest Days at Roswell

Bob is so used now to getting up at the crack of dawn, that he finds it hard to lie in, even on a rest day. So, he was up and raring to go at 7.00 am. His first jobs of the day are naturally to see to the horses, and then he updated his diary. He also seized the opportunity to clean the pack saddle and his riding saddle.

Later that morning, two of Rick's friends dropped in to see if he needed anything, and took him to the supermarket and Bank. The freeze dried meals have all but gone now, so he stocked up on "pot noodles" to keep him going, together with cookies, crisps and fruit. When I spoke to him earlier this evening he was chilling out, but was looking forward to meeting up with the guys and gal later that evening for another meal out and a few drinks.

Tomorrow, is another rest day, and he is being taken to the Roswell UFO Museum. Apparently, sometime in the past an Alien space craft is supposed to have crash landed near Roswell. He is also hoping to go on the computer tomorrow afternoon.

I shall be away from tomorrow until Tuesday, so will say my thanks to Rick and all his friends for helping Bob out so much. He has certainly been enjoying his stay in Roswell thanks to yourselves.

Happy riding, cowboy........the end is in sight.

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